Sunday, March 16, 2014


Grow More Sugar Beets, vintage poster image courtesy of USDA Archives
I've posted images of two other posters similar to this, HERE and HERE, about this mysterious (though not so mysterious now after all your comments) sugar filled veggie.  Now this poster isn't as 'dramatic' as they other two, but it's still pretty neat looking.

It dates from WWII and was from the US Department of Agriculture, urging people to grow these to help with the food effort during the war.  Apparently, they were in such high demand, this one reminded farmers that they could help them increase their income.  Nothing wrong with that!

Hope you are having a good weekend.  Ours has been a washout.  Rain all day yesterday, and now all day today, so far anyway.  Went to the farm and got some inside cleaning done so that's always good.

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