Saturday, July 30, 2011


Here is another small view of the property....
This is the driveway looking from our end, near the house, toward the road we turn in to way down at the other end.

The Driveway
The flag in the picture belongs to 2nd Family who live down at the other end.

We'd like to plant trees down the driveway, perhaps Crepe Myrtles.
Would also like some wildflowers growing along the side, and maybe some wild berry vines of some sort growing on that fence (if 2nd Family is OK with that, it's their back pasture that the fence borders).

Anyway, just thought I'd share.  I stare at this picture on occasion and think of how many times over the years I've driven and/or walked that very path to Ma's house and now it's ours.
Sometimes I still can't believe we own it.

It truly is a dream come true.

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